Monday, 15 June 2009

Questions of chemistry for SSC(Chapter 9 - 13 )

Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Nine

Chemical Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium

Short Questions

1. What is meant by chemical equilibrium? Explain with the diagram. (SB-04, DB-02, CB-01, BB-04, RB-00, DB-02, RB-05) 2

2. i) Dscuss the Le-chatelier's principle. (DB-05) 2

ii) What is Le-chatelier's Principle? (DB-02, SB-02) 1

iii) How ammonia can be synthesised with application of Le-chatelier's Principal? (DB-01, CB-04, 00, SB-05, JB-05) 3

3. i) What will be the effect of changing presure on the chemical equilibrium for the reaction : N2(g) + 2H2(g) = 2NH3(g) (Ctg-02) 2

ii) Discuss the effect of changing temperature on the chemical equilibrium of the reaction : N2(g) + 2H2(g) = 2NH3(g) D H = -92 kj mol-1 (Ctg-02) 2

4. What is equilibrium constant? (CtgB-99, DB0=-01, JB-00) 01

5. i) What is meant by reversible reactions? (CB-05) 1

ii) What are reversible reactions? Cite example. (DB-04, JB-00, CB-01, DB-00, 05, CB-99, DB-05) 2

iii) Describe one method to convert a reversible reaction to one way reaction with example. (CB-99) 2

6. i) What is optimum temperature? State example. (JB-01, SB-05, CB-02)1+1=2

ii) Describe the importance of optimum temperature on the industrial manufacture ammonia. (CtgB-02, 05) 2

7. i) What is meant by Catalyst? Write the name of one positive catalyst and one negative catalyst. (RB-99) 2

ii) What do you mean by auto catalyst? Write with equation. (BB-01) 2

iii) Write the four utilization of catalyst in the industry. (JB-04) 2

iv) In the industrial purpose write the three characteristics of the catalyst. 2

8. What is meant by chemical kinetics? (SB-04, JB-03, CtgB-01, CB-05, BB-05) 1

9. i) Prove with an experiment that the rate of the reaction increases with the increase of concentration of the reactants. (RB-05)pre08 2

ii) Prove with an experiment that, the rate of a reaction is directly proportional to the concentration of the reactants. (CtgB-05, DB-01, 02) 2

10. i) Prove with an experiment that, the rate of reaction increases with the increase of concentration of the reactants. (BB-02, RB-05)

ii) Write with equation what happens, when Hydrochloric acid is added to sodium thiosulphate solution. (CtgB-05)

Broad Question

11. i) How ammonia can be synthesised / manufacture with the application of Le-chatelier's principle? (DB-01, CB-04, RB-00, 04, SB-05, JB-05) 3

ii) Show the application of Le-chatelier's principle in the manufacture of sulphur trioxide. (CB-02) 3

iii) Show the application of Le-chatelier's Principal for the manufacture of NH3 and SO3 in the industry. (CB-99)pre08 4

iv) Discuss the application of Le-chatelier's principal on the industrial manufacture of ammonia. (DB-04, SB-05, RB-02, BB-03, SB-05) 3

12. What is Catalyst? Show the use of Catalyst in the industry. (SB-05, DB-04) 3

13. What do you mean by chemical Kinetics? Discuss the effect of temperature and concentration on the rates of chemical reaction. (JB-03, BB-05) 1+3=4

14. What is chemical Kinetics and chemical equilibrium? Discuss with the drawing a graph. (SB-04) 3

15. i) What is reversible reaction? Describe two process to convert a reversible reaction to one way. (JB-01, CB-99, DB-00) 4

ii) Describe how many ways reversible reactions can be converted to one way. (CtgB-01) 6

iii) How can a reversible reaction be made to go in one direction? Write with example. (JB-02, DB-01, CtgB-99) 4

16. Discuss the effect of temperature and pressure on the chemical equilibrium of reaction. (DB-03) 4

17.Chemical equilibrium is a dynamic system / equilibrium- Explain. (BB-03.04) 3

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Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Ten


Short Question

1. i) What is electrolysis? State with example. (SB-02, 05) 2

ii) What is electrolytes? State with example. (BB-01, SB-05) 2

iii) Describe the mechanism of electrolysis with example and labelled diagram. (JB-04) 2

iv) Write the Faraday's Laws of electrolysis. (JB-05, DB-01, SB-01, JB-99, 01, RB-05) 2

2. i) State and explain Faraday's first law of electrolysis. (CB-02, DB-05) 2

ii) State Faraday's first law of electrolysis with its explanation. (DB-99, RB-04) 2

3. i) What do you mean by electroplating and galvanizing? (CtgB-05) 2

ii) What is electroplating? How it can be done? (DB-05, CtgB-00, JB-05) 2

iii) State the purpose of electroplating. (SB-05, JB-05) 1

iv) How nickel plating can be done on iron items? (DB, RB-00, DB-05) 2

4. i) How can you purify copper metal by electrolysis? 2

ii) How metal can be purified by electrolysis? State with example. (SB-03) 3

5. i) Write down the chemical changes occurs during the electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodium chloride. (DB-01) Pre 08 2

ii) What are the primary inconvenience for the electrolysis of sodium chloride? (DB-01) 2

6. What happens when electricity is passed through acidified water? (JB-01) 2

7. i) What is anode and Cathode in electrolysis? (JB-02)pre08 2

ii) What is meant by Cathode and anode? (RB-00, SB-04) 1

iii) What is electrode? (RB-00, SB-04) 1

8. How chloride ion can be converted to chlorine? (CtgB-04) 2

9. What is meant by electrochemical equivalent weight / mass of a substance? (RB00) 1

10. To prepare 01 mole of oxygen it requires how much faraday of electricity?(BB-04) 1

Broad Question

11. Discuss the electrolysis of aquous solution of sodium chloride. (SB-04) 3

12. What is electroplating? How this can be done? Why it is done? (RB-99) 3

13. i) What is electrolysis? What happens when a solution of copper sulphate is electrolysed with platinum anode? Write with equation. (Jb-00, RB-01) test 08 4

ii) Describe the electrolysis process of copper sulphate solution. (CtgB-03) 3

14. What are the difference between electrolysis and the metal conductors? (DB-01, CtgB-05) 3

15. Discuss the process of electroplating. (Ctg 3

16. Discuss what happens and how happens when electricity is passed through acidified water. (CB-99, RB-02, SB-04) 4

17. State the two Faraday's laws of electrolysis and explain the first law. (RB-02, JB-03 Test 08 ) 3

18. Describe the purification of copper showing anode and cathode reaction with its diagram. (JB-04) 3

19. Describe the electrolysis of concentrated solution of NaCl with Hg electrode. (JB-03) 3

20. 0.25 ampere current was passed through silver nitrate solution for 10 minutes. 0.1679 gm of silver was deposited at the cathode. If 0.2 ampere current is passed through another silver nitrate solution for 01 hour 40 minutes what is the amount of silver deposited at the cathode? (CtgB-01) 3

21. 0.21 ampere current was passed through copper sulphate solution for 15 minutes. 0.63 gm of copper was deposited at the cathode. If 0.15 ampere current is passed through another copper sulphate solution for 40 minutes, What is the amount of copper deposited at the cathode? (CtgB-99) 4

22. 0.21 ampere current was passed through copper sulphate solution for 15 minutes. 0.63 gm of copper was deposited at the cathode. What is electrochemical equivalent mass of copper? (JB-02) 2

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Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Eleven

Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions

Short Question

1. i) What is called exothermic reaction? State an example. (SB-01, DB-05) 2

ii) What is meant by endothermic reaction? State with example. (DB-04) 2

iii) What is meant by exothermic and endothermic reaction? Give an example for each type. (CB-04, CtgB-00, RB-02) pre-08 2

2. The bond energies of C-H, C-Cl, Cl-Cl and H-Cl are 414, 326, 244 and 431 KJ mole-1 respectively. Calculate DH of the reaction mentioned below. CH4(g)+Cl2(g) = CH3Cl(g)+HCl(g) (CB-03, CtgB-04, SB-04) 2

3. In the reaction H2(g)+O2(g) ® H2O (g), the bond energy of Hydrogen atoms in Hydrogen molecule is 435 KJ per mole. The bond energy of two oxygen atoms in oxygen molecule is 498 KJ per mole. The bond energy of one oxygen-hydrogen in water molecule is 464 KJ per mole. Find out the value of DH of the above reaction. (CtgB-03) 2

4. What is an spectator ion? (DB-01) 1

5. Give an example of endothermic reaction. 1

6. What is the cause of change of heat in the chemical reaction? (CtgB-03) 1

7. What do you mean by thermochemical equation? (RB-05) 2

8. i) What is meant by heat of combustion and heat of solution? (CB-05) 1+1=2

ii) What is heat of combustion? Why heat is evolved in all combustion reaction? (RB-04, BB-04) 1+1=2

9. What are the source of the change of energy in the chemical reaction. (BB-02) 2

10. i) What is DH? Express it with an equation. (CB-05) 2

ii) What is meant by DH? When it becomes positive and negative? (RB-99, DB-02, JB-05) 2

11. Write down the significance of DH with a thermochemical reaction. (CtgB-01) 2

12. i) Explain why heat of neutralisation is constant for an acid and base. (JB-05) 2

ii) The heat of neutralization of a strong acid by a strong base is 57.3 KJ- Explain with the example. (DB-00, SB-05, CtgB-02) test 08 2

13. What is neutralization reaction? State with example. 2

14. i) What is gram equivalent weight of an acid? (SB-02, JB-05) 2

ii) What is the mass in gram of one gram equivalent weight of sulphuric acid (CtgB-02). 1

iii) What is meant by thermochemical equation? iv) Write with the example. (SB-05, JB-04, CB-02, BB-02) 2

15. Write the significance of the equation: 2H2+O2=2H2O ; DH = -484KJ mole-1 (JB-04)2

16. What do you mean by Galvanic Cell? (RB, CB-99, 01) 2

Broad Question

17. Write down the reactions that happened in the Daniel Cell. (CtgB-04) 2

18. i) Discuss with diagram the preparation and working principle of the Galvanic Cell. (BB-05) 4

ii) Write down the preparation process and ionic reaction of Daniel Cell with the labelled diagram. (DB-03, 01) 3

19. Describe the preparation of Daniel Cell showing its chemical reaction for the production of electricity with diagram. (JB-04) 2

20. What is heat of neutralization? Why the heat of neutralization of a strong acid and strong base is constant? (CtgB-02) 3

21. i) Describe the preparation and working principal / mode of action of Dry Cell with Figure. (RB-02, CB-02) 3

ii) What is the advantage of using the Dry cell? (JB-00) 1

iii) Dry cell becomes useless after using for some days- Explain why? 2

22. What is meant by heat of combustion, heat of solution and heat of neutralisation? Explain with examples. (JB-03) 3

23. What are the causes of change of heat energy in chemical reactions? Write with the help of example. (DB-02)Pre08 3

24. i) What is meant by Leclanche Cell? Write down the ionic working process and use of a Leclanche Cell. (BB-01, DB-01) 4

ii) Describe the preparation and the working principle of Leclance Cell. (SB-02) 2

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Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Twelve

Extract of Metals

Short Question

1. i) What is reactivity series? Write the names and symbols of most / less electropositive metals. (RB-05) 1+1=2

ii) What is reactivity series of metals? Describe it. (RB-03, CtgB-99, 01, 03) 2

iii) Explain the importance of reactivity series. (BB-02, RB-05, DB-02, 04, 00) 1

iv) Make a reactivity series for any three metals. (JB-00) 1

v) Write the names of four metals according to reactivity series. (CtgB-03) 1

2. i) What do you mean by ores. (CB-05) 1

ii) What is ore? Write the names and formulae of four ores of iron. (B-99, 02, DB-99, CtgB-04) 2

iii) Write the names and formulae of important ores of iron. (RB-99) 1

iv) Write the names and formulae of two ores of-

a) Iron (JB, RB-02, SB-02, 05, CtgB-05) 2

b) Zinc (BB-05, SB-04) 2

c) Aluminium (CtgB-00) 2

d) Formulae of Cryolite, Copper Pyrites (SB-04), Calamine, Bauxite, Limonite (DB-05), Spathic iron/Siderite (JB-02)

e) Write the names and formulae of one Sulphide Ores of Zinc, Lead, Iron and Copper metals. (CtgB-02) 2

f) Write names of Zinc and Iron ores (one for each). 1

g) What is called Corandum? (CtgB-05) 1

3. i) What is meant by extraction of metals? Name the two Principal processes for the extraction of metals. (CB-99, JB-99, BB-01, BB-05) 2

ii) What do you mean by extraction of metals? What is spectator ion? (DB-01, BB-05) 2

iii) How many kinds of metal extraction are there? What are they? (JB-99, 03, DB-01)

iv) Extraction of metal is a reduction process-Explain. (RB-00, 02, DB-02) 2

4. What is Slag? Write about its uses. (JB-01) 2

5. What is Zinc dust? (DB-02) 1

6. What is cast iron? What is pig rion? (CB-03) 1

7. Write down the names of different classified iron mentioning the amounts of its components. (RB-99) 1

8. What is Blister Copper? How it is purified / refined? (DB-05, CtgB-05) 2

9. How is blister copper manufactured? (RB-00) 2

10. i) Describe the difficulties that is met during the extraction of sodium metal. (CtgB-99) 2

ii) What are the primary difficulties to be met during the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride? (BB-02, DB-02) 2

Broad Question

11. Describe the extraction process of sodium metal. (CtgB-99) 4

12. Describe the extraction any metal by electrolysis process. (CtgB-04) 4

13. i) Describe the process of extraction and refining of copper. (RB-01) 4

ii) Describe the extraction process of copper. (CB-02) 3

iii) How is copper refined by electrolysis. (DB-02, JB-04) 3

iv) What is matte? How blister copper can be produced from the copper matte? (RB-01, JB-01) 3

14. Describe the extraction process of Zinc with Figure. (RB-03, CB-01, CtgB-00, SB-01, JB-03) 3/4

15. i) What is ores? Describe with diagram the extraction process of Aluminium from its ores. (DB-01, BB-00, RB-02, JB-99, 05, CB, BB-04, 05, RB-05, CB-05) 1+3=4

ii) Discuss the extraction of Aluminium by electrolytic process. (JB-05) 3

16. Describe the extraction process of lead with diagram. Test 08(CtgB-02, BB-02, SB-05, RB-03, BB-02) 3

17. Describe the extraction process of Calcium. (CtgB-01) 4

18. i) What is called the blast furnace? (JB-04) 1

ii) Describe how iron is extracted by Blast furnace process. Write the reactions take place. (CB-99, RB-04) 4

iii) Write the reactions that takes place at different steps in the blast furnace during the extraction of iron. (DB-05, 01) pre08 3

iv) Describe the reactions that takes place at different steps in the blast furnace during the manufacture of cast iron. (SB-02, DB-01, JB-00, SB-04, DB-05) 3

19. How is iron manufactured by using blast furnace. (CB-00) 4

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Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Thirteen

Properties and Uses of Metals and Their Compounds

Short Question

1. What is meant by metals and non metals? Write two examples for each of them. (CB-00) 2

2. Compare the properties of metal with those of non metals. (CB-99) 3

3. i) Write down the four differences, two for physical and two for chemical properties between metals and non metals. (SB-02) 2

ii) Compare the two chemical properties of metals with those of non metals. (DB-02) 1

iii) Write down the four differences of chemical properties between metals and non metals. (BB-05) 2

4. i) Usually metals do not want to form compounds with hydrogen-why? Write its two causes. (DB-02) 2

ii) Write the preparation and two properties of green vitriol. (CB-05) 1+1=2

5. i) What is blue vitriol / tute? Write its two uses. 2

ii) Write the preparation, properties and uses of blue vitriol. (RB-01, 02, DB-03, 05, CtgB-02, SB-02, RB-05) 2

6. What is smelling salt? Write its formulae. 1

7. Write the names and formulae of the two vitriol.1

8. What is green vitriol? Write about its preparation and uses. (CB-05, SB-05) 1+1+1=3

9. What is spathic iron? Write its formulae. (JB-0) 1

10. What is white vitriol? Write its preparation, properties and uses. (RB-00, SB-04) 2

11. Write the preparation of ZnO and its uses. (DB-01, BB-05)2

12. What is gluber's salt? Write its preparation, properties and two uses. (CB, CtgB-05) 2

13. What is Ipson's salt? Write its preparation, properties and two uses. (BB-05, RB-03, CB-04, JB-04, RB-05) 1+1+1=3

14. i) What is Plumbous and Plumbic Compounds. (JB-04)

ii) What do you mean by Plumber salt? (RB-05) 1

15. What is letharge? Write its two uses. (CB-02) 2

16. What is slaked lime? Write its' preparation and properties. (CtgB-03) 2

17. What is plaster of paries? Write the name and symbol of a dibasic acid. 2

18. What is lead sugar? Write its two uses. (DB-01, DB-01, RB-01, SB-04) 2

19. i) What is Crome Yellow? Write the reaction with NaOH? (SB-03) pre-08

ii) What would you mean by Crome Red? (CtgB-02, CB-03)

20. i) Why metal oxide is basic in character? (DB-04, CB-05, RB-05) 2

ii) Prove that metal oxides are basic. Write with reactions. (JB-01, RB-99) 2/3

21. i) Why zinc oxide is called an amphoteric oxide? (RB-05) 2

ii) Zinc oxide is amphoteric in nature- Explain. (CtgB-04) 2

iii) Write the preparation and uses of zinc oxide. (BB-05) 2

22. Prove that, Aluminium oxide is amphoteric in nature. (JB, CB, BB-05) 2

23. Write the name and formulae of two neutral and amphoteric oxides. (JB-01, CB-03) 2

24. What is acidic oxides? (CB-99) 2

25. i) What are the formulae of Magnesium Sulphate and Zirconium Sulphate? (JB-99) 2

ii) Write the chemical name of and formulae of cryolite and washing soda. (JB-03) 2

26. i) Write the uses of Aluminium metal. (SB-05) 1

ii) Write the four uses of Sodium metal. (DB-04, CB-05) 2

27. Write two physical properties, two chemical properties and two uses of copper. (CB-00) 3

28. What would you mean by passivation of iron- Explain. (CtgB-02, BB-00, CB, DB-03, JB-03, 05, CB-05) 3/2

29. What is meant by potash alum? Write its formula, preparation and uses? (RB-01, CtgB-01, DB-04) 3/2

30. i) How metallic sodium is preserved? (RB-02, DB-99)

ii) Why metallic sodium is always kept immersed under petroleum or kerosine? (JB-05, DB-01, RB-00, JB-05, SB-05, CB-03) 2

31. Being a metal, how sodium forms hydride with hydrogen, explain the facts. (BB-01) 2

32. i) Write the convertion with equation. (DB-05) 1´2=3

(a) Bleading power from slaked lime (b) red lead from lead monoxide.

ii) How can you convert Fe2+ compound into a iron (iii) compound and vice versa? (CB-02, SB-03) 2/3

33. Only by visual observation, how does one can comment on which one is Fe2+ or Fe3+ compound? (JB, SB-00) 1

34. Write with equation and example how would you detect / confirm the presence ........... ion in solution / acquous solution.

a) Al3+ (CtgB-00, 00, JB-00) pre08

b) Pb2+ (CB-02)

c) Cu2+ (Two wet tests) (RB-02)

d) Carbonate ion (JB-02, DB-04, CtgB-04, BB-05)

e) Ca2+ (Find out with wet test) (CtgB-01, CB-05, JB-05)

f) Cl- (CB-98)

g) Nitrate ion (Ring test, Wet test) (CtgB, CB-05, SB-04, RB-05)

h) Sulphate and Sulphide ion (JB-05)

i) What is ring test? Explain with example. (CB-01)

j) Fe2+ and Fe3+ (RB-03)

k) Sulphide (BB-04)

l) Zn2+ (DB-05) in solution

35. Write with equation one dry test and one wet test to detect chloride ion in a supplied sample. (CB-04) 2

36. i) What is flame test?

ii) What type of flame is shown by the flowing metals during the flame test?

Na & Ca (CB-00), K & Cu (JB-05), Ca, K, Cu (JB-05)

37. Write the Formulae of the following compounds :

i) Ferosoferric oxide (JB-05) (ii) Bleaching power (JB-05) (iii) Caustic Soda (SB-04) (iv) Slaked lime (SB-04) (v) Aluminium Sulphate (SB-05)

38. Write with equations what happens :

i) Name the three metals that react rapidly with water at room temperature and write equation of their reactions with water. (SB-02) 1´3=3

ii) What is produced when Al reacts with HCl? Write with equation. (RB-01) 2

iii) Magnesium is heated with Nitrogen gas at high temperature and then water is added into it. (SB-04, CB-02) 1

iv) At what condition metallic calcium reacts with Hydrogen to form compound. Write with equation. (JB-04) 2

v) Hydrogen gas is passed over hot calcium. (SB-04)

vi) A piece of sodium is put into water. (SB-02) 1

vii) Calcium reacts with water. (CB-00) 2

viii) Dilute nitric acid reacts with copper. (JB-00, SB-03) 2

ix) Cold and medium concentrated Nitric acid is added to copper turnings.

x) Concentrated Nitric acid reacts with copper. (SB-03, CB-05) 1

xi) Concentrated H2SO4 its heated with copper turning/copper. (SB-03, DB-03)

xii) Steam is passed over red hot iron, (CB-05, BB-05, SB-05, CB-03, CB-1

xiii) Dry ammonia gas is passed over hot metallic sodium. (SB-01, CB-04)1

xiv) a) NaOH is added to a salt solution. (JB-05) 1

b) Caustic soda is added to Aluminium oxide. (BB-02)

xv) Chlorine gas is passed over slaked lime at 400C temperature.

xvi) Medium concentrated acetic acid is added to white lead and is heated. (CtgB-01) 1

xvii) Aluminium reacts with hot and concentrated H2SO4. (CtgB-01)

xviii) Carbon di oxide is passed through caustic soda solution. (CtgB-03) 1

xix) a) Lead reacts with aqueous HCl. (JB-05) 1

b) Lead reacts with Alkali. (RB-03) 1

c) Concentrated acetic acid is added to residue of white lead. (CtgB-011

xx) Potassium hexacyanoferrate (ii) solution is added to copper (ii) Salt solution. (RB-00) 2

xxi) Ammonia gas is added aqueous copper sulphate solution gradually. (JB-01) 2

xxii) Write with equation, what happens when excess caustic soda solution gradually added to ZnSO4 Solution and then H2S is added it. (CtgB-04) 2

xxiii) When excess CO2 is passed through lime water. (SB-04) 1

xxiv) When excess ammonia is passed through aqueous solution of copper (ii) Salt. Write equation.

xxv) Write the reactions of K, Na and Ca with water. (CtgB-05) 1´3=3

39. Discuss the characteristics / properties of Fe (ii) and Fe (iii) compounds in solution. (CB-01, RB-03, 04) 3