Monday, 15 June 2009

Questions of chemistry for SSC(Chapter 5 - 8 )

Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Five

The Structure of Atom

Short Question

1. i) What do you mean by isotope? (CtgB-05) 1

ii) What do you mean by an isotope? Explain with example. (DB-03, 05, CB-04, 00, RB-03, CB-05 JB-08) 2

iii) Write down the names of different isotopes of Hydrogen. (RB-05) 1

2. i) What is mass number? Write the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the ion O2- (DB-02) 2

ii) What is the significance of O2- (SB-03) 2

iii) What is significance of (CtgB-05)2

3. Write down the postulates / assumtions of Bohr's atom model. (CB-04) 2

4. What is electronic configuration? Write down the electronic configurations of
(i) 11Na+ and (ii) 17Cl-. (CB-02) [17Cl, 12Mg] (CB-00) 2

5. Write the four differences between atom and molecule. (CB-01, RB-02, 00) 2

6. What do you mean by fundamental particles. Give example. (CB-99) 2

7. i) What is quantum jump? Describe it. (JB-00, RB-01) 2

ii) What is quantum mechanics? How rainbow is formed? (BB-02, JB-99) 2

8. Write down the main two postulates / assumtions of Bohr's atom model. State the atomic number and electronic configuration of two inert gases. (JB-04) 1+1=2

9. Show with the diagram the position of fundamental particles of an atom. (JB-02) 2

10. Explain the meaning of . (JB-02) 2

11. i) What is meant by ion? Cite examples for both positive and negative ions. (SB-02) 2

ii) How ion is formed? Explain with example. (JB-03) 1

iii) Write down the difference between atom and ion. (CtgB-05) 2

iv) Explain, why :-

Though nuclear particle protons possess identical charge why they do not repel each other? (CB-3, JB-01) 2

v) What is meant by atomic number and mass number? Write with examples. (CB05) 1+1=2

Broad Question

12. Give the electronic configuration with figure of N, F, Mg and Na. (DB-04, RB-02, 99) 3

13. Discuss briefly the modern theory related to the arrangement of electrons in an atom. (BB-05, DB-04, 02) 2

14. What is Bohr's atom model? Write its importance and limitation. (CB-02) 3

15. Discuss the importance, success and limitations of Bohr's atom model. (DB-00) 3

16. Write down the names of the stable fundamental particles of atom. Describe them in brief. (DB-99) 4

17. What its fundamental particles? Write about three of them. 4

18. i) How many are the fundamental particles? Describe briefly the fundamental particles. 4

ii) Discuss the characteristics of fundamental particles. (BB-05, CB-05) 3

19. Why an atom is electrically charge neutral? Write down the four differences between atoms and ions. (CB-01) 3

20. i) Write down the basic postulates or assumptions of Bohr's atom model. Pre08 (ii) Based on Bohr's atom model, write the basic discussion on electronic configuration or arrangement of electrons in an atom. (RB-04, SB-04) 1+3=4

21. i) Discuss the solar system model of structure of atom. (CtgB-05) 3

ii) Describe Rutherford's atom model? (RB-02, RB-99, DB-05) 3

22. What is meant by H2, 2H and H+? (CtgB-99 JB-08) 3

23. Write the rules of showing atomic number, atomic mass, number of charge, molecule etc and state one example. (JB-05) 3

* * *

Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Six

Chemical Bonding

Short Question

1. What is polarity? Why covalent compounds are usually not soluble in water? (DB-01, JB-05) pre08 2

2. "Ionic bond is a very strong bonding"- Explain. (DB-01) 2

3. What do you mean by the polar and non-polar compounds? Explain with example.2

4. Why ionic compounds are soluble in water. (JB-01) 2

5. What is metallic bond? (JB-01, JB-05) 1

6. i) How covalent bond is formed? Write with an example. 2

ii) Discuss with figure the bonding of the methane molecule. (JB-00) 2

7. What is meant by ion? State the properties of ionic compounds. (BB-00) 2

8. Write down the four properties of covalent bond. (SB-05) 2

9. What do you mean by covalent bond? (BB-00) 1

10. i) What is metallic bond? Does metal conducts electricity? (SB-05, DB-99, CB-02, CtgB-02) 2

ii) Why are metals good conductors of electricity? 2

11. Write the names of inert gases. Why they are called so? (CB-99, SB-01, CtgB-00, BB-02, DB-2)pre08 2

12. Write the names and symbol of four inert gases. (RB-99) 2

13. What type of compound CaCl2 is? Explain at your own. (SB-01) 2

14. Write the two properties of ionic compound. (JB-02) 1

15. What are the causes of difference in shapes of covalent compounds? (RB-00, CtgB-02) 2

16. i) Why Carbon does not form ionic compounds? (CtgB-05, BB-02) test 08 2

ii) Why does Carbon usually form covalent compounds? (SB-03) 2

17. Why the melting point of ionic compounds is very high while covalent compounds have low melting point? (SB-04) 2

18. What is covalent compound? What do you mean by polarity of covalent compounds? (JB-00, 01) 2

19. Why the two non-metal atoms combine together by covalent bond? Explain. (DB-02) 2

20. Why the inert gases do not combine? (JB-02) 2

21. Why methane molecule is tetrahedral in Shape? (SB-05)Test 08 2

22. What is bond? What is ionic bond? How it is formed- write with example. (All Board-99)2

23. i) Write down the kind of bonding in NaCl. (SB-03) 2

ii) Explain what type of compound, NaCl is? (CtgB-05) 2

iii) What is Vanderwall's foce? (JB-04, 01)pre08 2

iv) What is meant by Ammonium Salt? Give example. (DB-03) 2

v) What is electropositive element? State with example. (DB-02) 2

24. i) What is octed? (CB-05) 1

ii) What do you mean by valence electrons? (CB-05) pre 08 1

Broad Question

25. What is ionic bond? Discuss with figure the bond remains in methane molecule. (BB-01) 3

26. What is chemical bond? How many types are there and what are they? (CtgB-98, 99, CB-01) 3

27. i) Discuss the comperative studies of properties of ionic and covalent compounds. (CtgB-01) Pre08 3

ii) Write the difference between ionic and covalent compounds. (CB-04) 3

28. i) What is ionic bond? How it is formed? (SB-01, CtgB-98, 99) 3

ii) Discuss ionic bond with the example. (DB-05) 3

29. Write down the differences between ionic compounds and covalent compounds.

30. "Ionic Compounds are soluble in water, but covalent compounds are usually not soluble in water"- Explain. 3

31. What kind of a compound CaCl2 is? Justify your answer. (CB-99) 3

32. Explain the bond pattern in NaCl compound. (SB-03) 3

33. What is valance electron? What are the advantages to know regarding valence electrons? Write with some examples. (DB-02)Pre08 3

34. What is an ion? How many types of ions are there? Name them, Explain with examples how an ion is formed. (JB-99, 03, SB-02) 3

35. i) Draw the structures of the molecules of CO2, H2O, CH4, NH3, HCN, H2O2, Hydro Cyanogen, dinigrogen tri-oxide, acetyline (RB-03) 2

ii) CO2 and H2O both are triatomic. What is the difference in their shapes? Why? (JB-02) 1

36. What are the causes of difference in shapes of covalent compounds? Explain with example. (CtgB-02) 3


Explain with example, the reason of difference in shapes of covalent compounds. (CtgB-02) 3

* * *

Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Seven

The Periodic Table of Elements

Short Question

1. What is periodic table? What is its basis? (DB-98, SB-01, CtgB-00) 2

2. i) What is the aim of modern periodic table? (CB-01, JB-05) 2

ii) What is meant by period and group? (JB-05) 1

3. i) What are the transition elements? (SB-04) 1

ii) In which periods there contain how many transition elements? Find out their positions in the periodic table. (CtgB-02) 2

4. "The size of the atoms is also a periodic properties"- Explain. (DB-98) 2

5. "The Atomic mass of the element can not be the basis of periodic table"-Explain. (SB05) 2

6. The atomic number of sulphur is 16. Find out its position in the periodic table. (DB-02) 2

7. Show the electronic configurations and find out the position of the following elements in the periodic table. Mg (CB-02), S(CB-02), Al(CtgB-03)

8. State with example, how the valency of the elements changes in the same period of the periodic table. (RB-04) 2

9. State the number of elements in each period of the period table. (CtgB-04) 2


Discuss period contains how many elements in the periodic table. (CtgB-04) 2

10. Describe how the size of atoms changes in any group and period. (CtgB-03) 2

11. i) What do you mean by periodic properties of the elements? ii) Write the names of the periodic properties. (RB-03, CtgB-03, BB-03) 2

12. What is quantum? (CB-01) 1

13. The real basis of the periodic table is the electronic configuration- Prove it with the help of examples. (CB-04, DB-05) 2

14. i) 'The size of the elements decreases from left to right in the same period- Explain. (CB-02)pre08 2

ii) As it is proceeded from left to right in the same period the size of the elements decreases- Explain the reason. (CB-02) 2

iii) "The physical property of elements in any group changes slowly and regularly" Justify this truth with the elements of group-IA and group VIIA (CtgB-02) 2

Broad Question

15. What are the basis of the periodic table? Explain at you own. (CtgB-00, RB-02) 3


Give the logical proof at your answer.

16. Size of the atoms is a periodic property- Explain why? (CtgB-00, BB-00, RB-03) 3

17. i) Write down the properties / characteristics of a modern periodic table. (SB-4,CtgB99) ii) Write the four properties of the periodic table. (BB-03) 2

18. (i) What is the real basis of the periodic table? (ii) Find out the position of the element having atomic number 86. (DB-99) 3

19. Find out the position of the elements in the periodic table with their respective electronic configuration having atomic number ________. Write the name of the elements.

(i) 13 (JB-03, 01) (ii) 17 (JB-03) (iii) 37 (JB-03) (iv) 19 (DB-01) (v) 26 (JB-02) (vi) 11 (JB-01, 99) (vii) 20 (JB-01) (viii) 29 (JB-01pre08 )(ix) 18 (JB-99)

20. i) The metallic property of the elements changes periodically from left to right in period-Explain. (RB-98)Test 08 4

ii) Explain from the properties of elements of third period of periodic table that, the more one moves from left to right, the metallic property of the elements decreases. (RB-05, CtgB-05) 3

21. The properties of the elements changes periodically in the periods of the periodic table-Explain. (RB-99, CtgB-98, SB-01) 4

22. What you can come to know from the modern periodic table. (CB-01) 4

23. Write down the Mendeleev periodic law and show its drawback with at least two examples.

24. "The real basis of the periodic table is electronic configuration of the elements"-Explain with the examples. (DB-00, RB-00, JB-99, BB-04)Pre-08 3

25. Explain with examples how the size of the elements changes in the same period. (CtgB03)3

* * *

Chemistry Board Question

Chapter Eight

Chemical Reactions

Short Question

1. i) Write down the definition of oxidation and reduction with example. (CB-99, 00, RB-03, 05) 2

ii) Write the Modern definition of oxidation and reduction. (BB-05, RB-99) 2

2. i) What do you mean by redox reaction? (DB-02, JB-03, 05) 1

ii) Write about redox reaction with example. (CtgB-05) 2

iii) In a chemical reaction, oxidation and reduction take place simultaniously-Explain. (DB-02 JB-08)

3. i) What is the role of the flow of electricity during happening of chemical reaction(RB03) 1

ii) Write the two structural formulae of two isomers of C2H6O. (CB-04) 1

4. Define hydrolysis with example. (JB-03) 1

5. i) Write down the two names of oxidising agent. (BB-02) 1

ii) What is combustion? (JB-03) 1

6. i) How temperature / heat and light affect the chemical reaction? (CB-05, DB-04) 2

ii) Write down the role of light on the cause / happening of chemical reactions with chemical equation. (DB-01, 99) 2

iii) Discuss the affect of solution and temperature on chemical reaction. (CtgB-03) 2

iv) How pressure and sound vibration affect on a chemical reaction. (CtgB-02, SB-04) 2

7. i) What is isomerisation? Cite example. (DB-99, 00, BB-01, JB-01, RB-01) 2

ii) What is Hydrolysis and isomarisation reaction? Write with example. (JB-03) 2

8. i) What is meant by Neutralisation reaction? (JB-00, SB-02) 2

ii) What do you meant by polymerisation and isomerisation reaction? (RB-02, JB-00, SB-04, CB-00, 03, CtgB-00)

iii) Explain "Neutralisation reaction with example". (SB-02) 2

iv) What is Polymerisation reaction? Write with example. (CB-00, BB-02, SB-01) 2

9. i) What do you mean by isomerisation and neutralization reaction? (CtgB-01) 2

ii) What is meant by synthesis? Write with example. (DB-04) 2

10. i) What do you mean by chemical reaction? (BB-02) 1

ii) State the four characteristics of chemical reactions. (CB-02, SB-02, BB-01, BB-05) 1

iii) What do you mean by chemical reaction? State with example of writing the chemical reaction. (CB-05, SB-05) 2

11. Short notes on / what is meant by reaction? 3

i) Hydrolysis (RB-00, 05)

ii) The role of light on chemical reaction (RB-00)

iii) Polymerisation (RB-02)

iv) Isomerisation reaction (RB-02, JB-05, CtgB-05)

v) Wurtz reaction (CtgB-05)

vi) All synthesis are addition reaction but all addition reaction are not synthesis one- Explain. (CtgB-05) Pre 08

12. What happens when-

i) A mixture of methane and chlorine is kept in or exposed to direct sunlight. (SB-01, CB-99, JB-99)

ii) Phosphorus pentoxide reacts with water- what happens? Explain.

iii) Burning Mg ribbon entered into a CO2 gas jar. (JB-04)pre08

iv) Potassium chlorate is heated with MnO2. (JB-04)

v) When ammonium cyanate is heated. (JB-99) pre08

vi) When electricity passes through acidified water. (JB-02)

13. i) How heat and light influence the chemical reactions? (CB-05) 1+1=2

ii) How temperature affect during the course of chemical reaction? (CtgB-00) 1

14. i) Write the four affect of light on performing chemical reaction with examples. (DB-00, JB-04, BB-04) 2

ii) Write the role of solution in happening chemical reaction. (RB-05) 2

15. Define addition and synthesis reaction by mentioning the chemical equation. 2

16. Write down the esterification reaction. (JB-00) 1

17. Write down the definition of positive and negative catalyst with example. (SB-03) 2

18. What do you mean by auto catalyst? Explain with reaction. 2

19. i) How polythene can be prepared? Write with equation. (CtgB-04) 2

ii) How chloride ion can be converted to chlorine molecule? (CtgB-04) 2

iii) Show the mutual conversion of chlorine and chloride ion and vice versa. (BB-04) 2

Broad Question

20. i) Write down the normal and modern concept of oxidation and reduction with proper example. (CtgB-99) 3

ii) Discuss the electronic concept of oxidation and reduction with the example. (DB-99, 05) 3

iii) Though Carbon is a nonmetal but it acts a reducing agent-Explain with reason. 2

21. All the synthesis reaction is addition reaction but all the addition is not the synthesis-Explain. (CtgB-05) 3

22. Write down the rules for writing chemical reaction. (DB-3) 4

23. What is isomerisation? Write the isomer of the symbol C2H6O. (CB-03 test 08) 3

24. Extraction of metal is a reduction process-Explain. (DB-02) 3

25. The Atomic mass of Al is 27, What is the atomic mass of one Atom of Al? (CB-01) 3

26. What is chemical reaction? Write about any two chemical reactions with example. 1+2=3

27. i) Oxidation and reduction takes place simultaneously- Explain. (CtgB-02, DB-02)JB-08 .3

ii) In the chemical reaction, CuSO4+Zn®ZnSO4+CU¯ Oxidation and reduction takes place simultaneously. Prove it by modern concept. (CB-04, CB-03) 3

28. Fill up the reaction Na+Cl2 ® ? Show that in this reaction oxidation and reduction takes place simultaneously. (DB-99) 3

29. Describe the reactions happened by heat and electricity. (JB-02) 3