Chemistry Board Question
Chapter Fourteen
Chemistry of Some Non-metals
1. i) What is meant by allotropy? Describe the allotropy of Carbon. (DB-00) 2
ii) Show the allotropy of Sulphur . (CB-00, CtgB-99) 2
iii) Diamond and graphite are the allotropic modifications of the same element Carbon- How can it be proved? (DB-02, RB-01) 2
2. i) Graphite and diamond both of them are Carbon, of the two diamond is hardest substance and graphite is soft- Explain the causes. (CB-03, DB-03) 2
ii) Write down the allotropy of Carbon and phosphorus. (BB-02) 1
iii) Write the allotropy of oxygen with their formulae. (RB-99) 1
3. i) Show the conversion of white phosphorus to red phosphorus and vice versa. (RB-04, CtgB-05) 2
ii) Write the names of main two allotropy of phosphorus. 1
4. Write the names of the chemicals used in the modern safety match. (CB-00) 1
5. What is non metals? What do you mean by non metals? (JB-01) 1
6. Write the names and formulae of the oxides of nitrogen. (DB-00) 2
7. i) What do you mean by laughing gas? (CtgB-05) 1
ii) What is laughing gas? Write the preparation, two chemical properties and two physical properties of laughing gas. (JB, RB-03, CB-01, DB-99, 02, CB-05, RB-05) 2
8. What is amphoteric oxides? Give example. (CtgB-2
9. Write the names and formulae of two neutral oxides and two amphoteric oxides. (JB-01) 2
10. What are the characterized oxide of non metal? What are its properties. (CB-01, CtgB-01) 2
11. i) What do you mean by oxides? Write its classification. (JB-03, SB-04, DB-00, CB-99, BB-99) 2
ii) Explain acidic and basic oxides with examples. (CB-05) 2
iii) What do you mean by acidic oxides? Explain with equation. (CB-04)2
12. What is water glass? What is its use? (JB-02) 2
13. What is silica-gel? What is its use? (JB-01) 1
14. i) Why SiO2 is a high melting point solid? (RB-04) 2
ii) What are silicates? (DB-04) 1
15. CO2 is a gas where as SiO2 is a high melting point solid, Explain why this happens? (JB-01, DB, CtgB-99, RB-00, CB-04) 2/3
16. Carbon monoxide is more dangerous than other poisonous gases-Explain the causes. (JB-04) 2
17. i) If any gas is CO2 - how can you prove it? (CtgB-02
ii) What is dry ice? Write its uses. (CB-96, JB-04, CtgB-04) 1
18. Write the use of Silica gel. (CtgB-04) 1
19. What do you mean by ammonium salt? Give example. (DB-04) 2
20. Ammonia is a basic natured / alkaline gas- Explain. (DB-01) 2
21. i) Why sulphuric acid is called di basic acid? (CtgB-05) 2
ii) Write down the role of H2SO4 as a dehydrating agent. (RB-05) 2
iii) What is the role of H2SO4 as oxidising agent. (SB-04) 2
iv) Prove that H2SO4 acts as both acid and oxidising agent. 2
v) Why sugar turns black when concentrated H2SO4 is added to it? Write with chemical equation. (CB-03, RB-02) 2/1
vi) What is adehydrating agent? Why H2SO4 is used as a dehydrating agent? (RB-01, JB-04) 2
vii) What is oleum / fuming sulphuric acid / pyrosulphuric acid? (DB-01) 1
viii) Write the formulae and preparation of olcum. (JB-02)
ix) Discuss the properties of H2SO4 as a dehydrating agent. (JB-04) 2
x) Sulphuric acid is a dehydrating agent how can it be understood? Prove it.2
22. i) Graphite is a conductor, explain the causes. (SB-01, RB-01, CB-99, SB-05) 2
ii) Being composed of identical matter diamond is the hardest and a non-conductor but graphite is a conductor and soft-why? (JB-04, RB-05) 2
iii) Why graphite is soft, slippery and a conductor of electricity? (BB-02) 2
iv) Why diamond is hard? (CB-05 1
23. What is glass? What are the raw materials for the manufacture of glass? (JB-99, SB-04, CB-03) 2
24. i) Which compound is called as "king of chemicals?' 1
ii) Explain the basic principle for the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process. (DB-01, DB-02, CB-05) 2
iii) What is dehydrating agent? Why H2SO4 is used as dehydrating agent? 2
25. Write short notes-
i) Fuming sulphuric acid. (DB-05)
ii) Allotrofic modification. (DB-05)
26. i) What is Triple super phosphate? (JB-02) 1
ii) How super phosphate and Triple super phosphate fertilizers can be produced? (CB-01) 2
27. i) What are halogens? What are the elements belong to halogens? (JB-99
ii) What do you mean by halogens? (CB-04, 02, JB-04, 02, DB-01) 1
iii) How chlorine can be converted to chloride ion? Write with equation. (CB-01, DB-00) 2
iv) Chlorine, bromine and iodine are the elements of the same group, give its experimental proof. (JB, RB-04, SB-03, CtgB-01, RB-05) 2/3
v) How pure NaCl is prepared from the common salt? (DB-03) 2
28. i) Write down the reaction of nitric acid as an strong acid / Explain the reaction of nitric acid as a powerful acid. (DB-04, RB-03, CB-02, DB, BB-01) 3/2
ii) Discuss the role of nitric acid as an strong oxidising agent. (JB-03) 2
iii) Prove that HNO3 is an strong acid. (RB-05) 2
iv) Due to strong oxidising properties of HNO3, the evolved Hydrogen gas from the reaction with metal- turns into water- Explain. (CtgB-05) 2
29. What are the causes of hardness of water? (RB-9 2
30. Explain why :
i) CO burns but CO2 does not. (JB-02) 1
ii) SO2 is an acidic oxide. (JB-02) 1
31. What type of compound CaO is? Explain in favour of your answer. (CtgB-05) 2
32. Prove that- NH3 is a reducing agent. (BB-05) 1
33. Write with equations, what happens when-
i) Ammonia dissolves in water. (CB-00, 01)
ii) Hydrochloric acid is added to lime stone. (CB-00, DB-01)
iii) Excess ammonia is passed through aqueous solution of copper sulphate solution.
iv) Reaction of ammonia with sulphuric acid. (DB-02) 1
v) Chlorine gas passed over slaked lime at 400C. (CB-04, CtgB-04) 1
vi) Ammonia gas reacts with Nessler's reagent. (CB-01, CB-03)pre-08 2
vii) Phosphorus is burnt in dry air. (RB-04) 1
viii) Potassium chlorate is heated with manganese di-oxide. (JB-04, DB-01) 1
ix) Silicon di-oxide reacts with strong alkali. (DB-00) 1
x) Oxalic acid is added to amixture of sulphuric acid and potassium per manganate. (JB-03, 99) 1
xi) Excess carbondioxide is passed through clear lime water. (JB-01, SB-04, RB-05) 2
xii) SO2 is passed through the aquous solution of potassium permanganate solution. (JB-01) 2
xiii) SO2 is a reducing agent- Explain. 2
xiv) Ammonia gas is passed through ferric chloride solution. (CtgB-04) 1
xv) Nisadal / NH4Cl is heated with lime. (CtgB-04) 1
xvi) Aluminium reacts with with hot and concentrated sulphuric acid. (CtgB-03)
xvii) Carbondioxide is passed through coustic soda or sodium hydroxide solution. (CtgB-01) 1
xviii) At room temperature hydrochloric acid is added on dry patassium per menganate drop by drop. (CtgB-01, SB-03) 2
xix) Aluminium reacts with hydrochloric acid. (SB-02) 1
xx) Hydrochloric acid is added to sodium thiosulphate solution. (BB-03) 2
xxi) Ammonium salt and Calcium hydroxide mixture is heated. (BB-03) 2
xxii) Phosphorus pentoxide reacts with water. 1
xxiii) Alkali is added to phosphorus pentoxide. (JB-00) 2
xxiv) Calcium reacts with hydrogen on hot condition. (SB-04, DB-01) 1
xxv) Concentrated HNO3 reacts with copper. (CB-05) 1
Broad Question
34. Describe the maintwo allotrophy of carbon. (DB-00) 4
35. i) Compare the properties of carbon monoxide withthose of carbondioxide. (RB-9, CB00, 01)
ii) Write the three differences between the properties of CO with those of CO2. (CB-01, RB-99) 2
36. i) What are the categories / types of oxides? What are they? / Write the names with examples of classes of oxides. (DB-99, CB-99, 01, SB-01, JB-03) 3
ii) Write down the definition of different types of oxides with example. (RB-04) 4
37. i) Sulphuric acid is a dehydrating agent-Prove it. (CB-04) 3
ii) Prove that H2SO4 acts both as acid and oxidising agent. (JB-01) 3
38. i) Describe the extraction of sulphur from mines. Write the uses of sulphur. (DB-99) 3+1=4
ii) Describe the extraction process of sulphur from mines by the Frash process. (DB-05) 3
39. i) Discuss the basic principle for the preparation of H2SO4 by contact process. (RB, DB, CtgB-03, BB-02, DB-01, BB-05) 2/3
ii) Describe the industrial production of H2SO4 by contact process. (CtgB-03) 3
40. What is non metals? Discuss their characterized chemical properties. (JB-01) 1+3=4
41. Describe the commercial production of nitric acid. (CB-01) 3
42. Explain how nitrate salt is produced in nature from nitrogen. (JB-05) 3
43. What is ring test? Describe it. (CB-01) 3
44. Discuss the six point of similarities of carbon with those of silicon. (SB-05) 3
45. i) Write down the basic principle for the production of sodium carbonate by solvey process. (CB-02) 3
ii) Describe the industrial production of Na2CO3 with chemical equation by solvey process. (CB-04) 4
46. Write down the differences between diamond and graphite. (DB-04) 3
47. Discuss the similarities and dissimilarities of carbon and silicon. (RB-03) 3
ii) Write two similarities and two dissimilarities. (DB-04) 2
iii) Write the similarities of carbon and silicon. (JB-05) 2
48. Discuss the role of phosphous in match industry and in fertility of soil. (CB-02) 3
49. Write the physical condition of at least four helogens and write about their colour. (RB-04) 2+1=3
50. Helogens belong to same group- give its experimental proof. (CtgB-01) 4
51. i) Describe the industrial production of ammonia with the application of Le-chatelier's principle. (RB-02, RB-00) 3/4
ii) Discuss the industrial production of nitric acid from ammonia. (DB-05) 3
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Chemistry Board Question
Chapter Fifteen
Organic Compounds
Short Question
1. i) What is the vital force notion theory of organic compounds? How has this been proved? (CB-01, JB-99, RB-04) 2
ii) How the vital force notion theory of organic compound was- proved unreasonable? (RB-04) 1
2. What is meant by organic compounds? (RB-05, CtgB-99, CB-03, JB-02, CtgB-04) 2/1
3. What are the causes of abundance of organic compounds? (RB-99, 02, DB-99, RB-04, CtgB-01, JB--05, SB-04)JB 08 1/2
4. What is meant by organic compound? Classify them. (CtgB-00, DB-00, 03, RB-01, 05) 2/3
5. What do you mean by aromatic compounds? Give examples. (DB-02, JB, CtgB-03, CB-00) 2
6. i) Classify the organic compounds with examples. (SB-04) 2
ii) How are organic compounds classified? Give an example of each class. (BB-01) 2
7. Write down the four differences between the organic and the inorganic compounds. (CB-01) 2
9. i) What are aliphatic compounds? Give two examples. (CtgB-05) 1
ii) What is the meaning of the word paraffins? (DB-01, SB-04, CB-03, CtgB-02) 1
10. What is meant by catenation? Give example. (CtgB-05, BB-02, BB-02, DB-02) 1
11. Prepare propane from the sodium salt of fatty acid? (JB-05) 2
12. What is alkanes? (RB, CB-02, 99, CtgB-99) 1
13. i) What is meant by alkyl radical or alkyl? What are role advantage of using 'R' in chemical equatios? (BB, JB-00) 1+2
ii) How alkyl radical is formed? (CtgB-05) 1
14. What is meant by catenation and functional group. Write with examples. (RB, JB-00, 03) 2
15. Write about the properties and uses of alkanes. (CtgB-99) 2
16. i) What are hydrocarbons? (DB-02, CB-04, RB-99) 1
ii) What are hydrocarbons? How many are the types? 2
iii) What are the general molecular formulae of alkanes and alkenes? (RB-05) 1
iv) What do you mean by alkanes and alkynes? (SB-01, CB-99) 2
v) What do you mean by alkenes and alkynes? give example. (CB-01) 2
vi) Write the general formulae of alkanes and alkenes. (RB-05) 1
17. i) Describe Wurtz reaction. (RB-01, BB-03, BB-05) 2
ii) How alkane can be prepared by Wurtz reaction. Write with reaction. (RB-03) 2
iii) What is Wurtz reaction? Write with equation. (CB-05) 1+1=2
18. i) What is isomerisom? Give example. (JB-01, DB-05, DB-05, CtgB-00, RB-04, SB-03) 2
ii) Write the names and structural formulae of the two isomers of C2H6O. (DB-05, 03) 2
iii) What is meant by isomerism? Write the name and structural formula of one isomer of ethanol. (RB-04) 1+1=2
iv) What is called isomerism? Show the structures with names of two isomers of the symbol C2H6O. (RB-05) 2
19. i) What is meant by functional group? Give example. (RB-05, CB, JB, CtgB-00, 01, 04, SB-05, DB-05) 2
ii) Write the names structural formulae of two functional groups. (CB-01, BB-03) 1
iii) Write down the molecular formulae and empirical formulae of Benzene and glucose. (CtgB-00) 2
20. Write the names and structural formulae of functional group for the following compounds :
(a) organic acid (DB-05) (b) Alcohol (CtgB-02) (c) Alkene (BB-02) (d) Alkyne (RB-99)
21. Write down the structural formulae of the following compounds.
(a) Tetrabromothane (CtgB-01)
(b) 1, 1 di-iodo ethane (CtgB-01)
(c) Glycerine (CtgB-01)
(d) Propene (SB-04)
(e) Propyne (SB-04)
(f) 2, 3 dimethyl pentane. (JB-02)
(g) Neopentane (DB-01)
(h) Monochloro ethanioc acid (DB-01)
(j) Butyl Benzene (JB-01)
(k) 2, 3 dimethyl 4 ethyle heptane (RB-05, JB-00)
(l) Propane, propene, propyne (CtgB-03)
(m) 2, 3 dimethyl 4 ethyl hexane (JB-00)
(n) Benzene (CtgB-03)
22. i) What is homologous series? Give example. (EB-03) 2
ii) Explain / Write down the characteristics of homologous series with example. (RB-00) 2
iii) Define homologous series with example. (RB-00) 2
iv) What do you mean by homologous series? Write its two characteristics with examples. (CB-05) 1+1=2
23. What are alkenes? Write its preparation with equation. (EB-04)
24. i) What do you mean by alkenes and alkynes? Give examples. (CB-02, SB-01) 2
ii) Find out the difference between alkanes and alkenes with reactions. (JB-03) 2
25. What is polymerisation reactions? Write with example. (SB-02) 2
26. Two gas jars having no lavel contains ethene and ethyne gas. How can you identify / defect both the two gases? (JB-02) 2
27. i) How would you separate alkene from alkane in the laboratory. (RB-05) 1
ii) How would you separate ethene from alkanes-write with reactions. (BB-03) 2
iii) How would you test for unsaturation in the organic compounds? (DB-00, CB-99, DB-01, CtgB-99) pre08 2
28. How can you detect alkane and alkene? Write with reactions. (JB-00, DB-01, CB-02, BB-03) 2
29. Write down the definition of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons with examples. (SB-04) 2
30. What is meant by alkynes? (CB-00, JB-04, DB-02) 1
31. i) How ethyne is prepared from Calcium Carbide? (DB-01) 2
ii) How would you prepare ethyne / acetylene from Calcium Carbide (CaC2)? Write with equation. (RB-00, DB-99) 2
32. i) What is alcohol? (BB-05) 1
ii) What is the general molecular formula of alcohol? (CB-04, CtgB-03, JB-01) 1
iii) Write the uses of alcohol. (JB-05, CtgB-04, DB-03, DB-00) 1
33. i) How alcohol is prepared in the industry? 3
ii) Write down the industrial process for the preparation of ehanol with equation. (JB-04) 2
iii) Write down the two reactions of the industrial production of alcohol. (JB-00) 2
iv) What is fermentation? (BB-05) 1
v) Write down the reactions of industrial preparation of ethanol from starch. (CtgB-04) 2
vi) Describe the industrial production of ehanol? (BB-05) 2
34. Write down the two chemical properties of alcohol. (CtgB-03, BB-05) 2
35. i) Describe the reaction for ester formation. (CB-03, JB-00) 2
ii) How ester is prepared from ethanol? Write with equation. (RB-02, 99, CtgB-02, BB-03) 2
iii) Describe the process of production of ester from ethanol. (CB-03, CtgB-01, BB-03, SB, DB-03, DB-00) 2
iv) What are the products when ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid? (CtgB-01) 1
36. i) What are fatty acids? How they are named? Write with example. (DB-03, 00, BB-04, CtgB-03) 2
ii) How will you prove that ethanoic acid contains -OH group? (BB-02, RB-01, SB-04, RB-05, CB-05) 2
iii) Write down the names formulae of two fatty acids. (SB-05) 1
iv) How fatty acids are prepared? Write their uses and chemical properties. (CB-01, JB, RB-03) 2+1=3
37. What is glacial acetic acid? (CtgB-03, DB-01, 05, BB-03) 1
38. i) What is soap? (SB-02, CB-05)
ii) Write one of its formula. (RB-01, JB-02, SB-04, BB-02, DB, RB-99) 1
iii) How soap can be prepared? Write with equation. (RB-02, CB-99, RB-04) 2
39. Explain how detergent works. (DB, BB-02, RB-01) 2
40. Describe the industrial preparation of glycerine form oils and fats. 2/3
41. Write down the four differences between soap and detergent. (SB-01, RB-99, DB-99) 2
42. i) Describe the mechanism of cleaning action of soap. (SB-02) 2
ii) How does soap clean the dirt? (RB-00, DB-99) 2
43. What is detergent? Explain its working mechanism. (RB-01, CtgB-99, BB-02) 1
44. Write with equation, what happens, when-
i) Ethane burns in oxygen. (DB-99, CB-99, SB-01) 1
ii) Ethanol reacts with phosphorus (v) chloride. (DB-99, 04) 1
iii) How ethanol reacts with ethanolic acid / CH3COOH in presence mineral acid. (SB-02, BB-01) 1
iv) Ammonium cyanate is heated. (DB-02, JB-99) 1
v) Achohol reacts with metallic sodium. (CB-00) 1
vi) Chlorine gas is passed through boiling ethanoic acid. (SB-03, DB-05, RB-03) 1
vii) Reaction of chlorine with ethanoic acid. (JB-04) 1
viii) Ethanol reacts with metallic sodium. (SB-05) 1
ix) Ethyne reacts with hydrogen iodide. (CtgB-00) 2
x) When alkane is burnt completely in sufficient oxygen. (SB-05) 1
xi) Combustion of pentane. (JB-05) 1
xii) Sodium ethanoate is heated with sodalime. (SB-03, CtgB-00, DB-05, JB-01, BB-04, 05) 1
xiii) Water is added to ethyl acetate. (JB-99) 1
xiv) Methyl bromide with metallic sodium in dry ether is heated. (BB-05) 1
xv) Methyl bromide dissolved in dry ether is heated with metallic sodium. (RB-05) 1
xvi) Ethene gas is passed through the aqueous potassium permanganate solution. (DB-04, RB-04, CtgB-05) 1
xvii) Ethanoic acid reacts with phosphorus pentachloride. (RB-05) 1
xviii) Ethanoic acid reacts with phosphorus pentachloride. (RB-05) 1
xix) A mixture of methane and chlorine is kept in bright sunlight. (DB-02, CB-99, RB-03, JB-99) 1
xx) Propyne burns in oxygen gas. (DB-01) 1
xxi) Ethene burns in oxygen gas. (SB-04, CtgB-03) 1
xxii) Fats mixed with caustic soda / sodium hydroxide and then heated. (DB-01, BB-04) 1
xxiii) Ethene reacts with chlorine gas at room temperature. (RB-02, CtgB-00, JB-03, BB-05) 1
xxiv) Ethanol is heated with excess concentrated sulphuric acid. (DB-00, SB-02, CtgB-01) 1
xxv) Propyl iodide solution reacts with aquous solution of caustic soda. (CB-02) 1
xxvi) Mercury fullminate is exploded near acetylene gas. (RB-04) 1
xxvii) Ethyl iodide is reacts with aquous solution of sodium hydroxide. (RB-03) 1
xxviii) Discuss the reactions with methane and chlorine at different conditions. (Hints : Both bright sunlight and diffused sunlight) (RB-99) 3
xix) Ethanol is added to ehanoic acid in presence of concentrated sulphuric acid, mineral acid. (RB-03, SB-02, SB-02, JB-03) 1
xxx) Ethanol is heated with concentrated H2SO4 at 1800C. 1
Essay Type
45. What are organic compounds? Discuss with example for each the classification of organic compounds. (CtgB-00, SB-01) 4
46. i) How alcohol is produced in the industry? 3
ii) Describe the industrial process for the production of ethyl alcohol from starch. (DB-05)pre08 3
47. How fatty acids are prepared? Write about their chemical properties. (CB-01, JB, RB-99) 3
48. What is fatty acids? Describe its industrial manufacturing process. (RB-99) 3
49. What is fatty acids? Discuss its preparation, properties and uses. (JB-99) 4
50. What is natural gas? Write its uses. (CB-01) 3
51. Show with reactions how alkanes, alkenes and alkynes can be identified. (JB-00) 4
52. i) In three gas jars there contains alkane, alkene and alkyne respectively How could you detect them in the laboratory? (DB-01) 3
ii) How would you differentiated amongst alkanes, alkenes in the laboratory? Explain. (CB-02, RB-05) 2
53. Describe the industrial process for the production of glycerine from oils and fats. (CB-01) 3
54. Write down the Wurtz reaction and esterformation reaction. (CtgB-01, CB-03) 4
55. Show with the reaction how ethene can be separated from alcohol. (BB-03) 3
56. What is homologous series? Write its three characteristics. (BB-04) 1+3=3
57. Complete the following reactions.
a) C3H4+O2 ® (DB-01) b) Fat+NaOH
(CtgB-00, JB-01) d) C6H6+O2 ® (RB-01)
e) CH3CH2OH+CH3COOH ® (RB-01) f) CH3CH2OH+H2SO4
g) CH4+Cl2
(CtgB-03, JB-00, SB-01, CB-99)
h) Ethyl acetate + H2O ® (JB-99) i) C2H4+Cl2 ® (CB-00)
j) CH3CH2OH+Na ® (CtgB-01, DB-02, CB-01)
k) CH3CH2OH+O2 ® (JB-00) l) C2H2+HI ® (CtgB-00, 99)
m) C2H6+O2 ® (CtgB-03, CB-99) n) CH3CH2CH2I+NaOH (aq) ® (CtgB-02)
o) C2H5OH(l) + PCl5(l) (aq) ® (CB-04) p) CH4+Cl2
q) H2C=CH2+KMnO4 (aq) ® r) CH3CH2I(aq)+NaOH (aq) ® (CtgB-99)
s) CH3COOC2H5 (l) + H2O ® t) CH3COOH(l)+PCl5(l) ®
u) Mg+CH3COOH(aq) ® v) CH3CH2OH+PCl3 ® (CtgB-99)

(a) Tetrabromothane (CtgB-01)
(b) 1, 1 di-iodo ethane (CtgB-01)
(c) Glycerine (CtgB-01)
(d) Propene (SB-04)
(e) Propyne (SB-04)
(f) 2, 3 dimethyl pentane. (JB-02)
(g) Neopentane (DB-01)
(h) Monochloro ethanioc acid (DB-01)
(j) Butyl Benzene (JB-01)
(k) 2, 3 dimethyl 4 ethyle heptane (RB-05, JB-00)
(l) Propane, propene, propyne (CtgB-03)
(m) 2, 3 dimethyl 4 ethyl hexane (JB-00)
(n) Benzene (CtgB-03)